Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Over the weekend I published GoOracle: a Sublime Text plugin which integrates the Go oracle tool.

GoOracle supports all modes of the oracle's analysis and prints it's output in a new tab(in 'json', 'xml' or 'plain'). The next step will be to build a better UX for the output, similar to the Atom and Emac integrations for oracle. If you want to help out and contribute to this, please do, but let me know before sending a PR so we don't double up.

The plugin will be available in Package Control. As of this writing the pull request for Package Control is waiting to be reviewed. For those that can't wait, you can grab the code and drop in /path/to/sublime/Packages directory. Follow the set up and usage instructions, and get insight on your codebase!


A while back I published a Sublime Text plugin to toggle the short declaration (:=) and assignment (=) operators with a key combo. This was handy, but still a manual process. So, on Sunday I wrote and published GoAutoDeclare.

 GoAutoDeclare scans for, and corrects, any declaration/assignment errors automatically on save. After the first day of using it at work I found it saving me time and mental overhead/distraction, particularity in refactoring.

The plugin will be available in Package Control. As of this writing the pull request for Package Control is waiting to be reviewed. For those that can't wait, you can grab the code and drop in /path/to/sublime/Packages directory. Follow the set up instructions, Restart Sublime, write some bad code and let GoAutoDeclare clean up after you.